Thursday, April 26, 2007

Happy 8th Bday, Sis!

I got her DDR Universe.
For the XBOX 360 that i got my dad for his bday.
hahaha, it's pretty fun, but i'm not very good at it yet

so today in chem
mr jawor took allison's cake when she went to the lavatory and put in his desk drawer, so allison said "can i please look in your drawers?"
and mr jawor was like "ohmygoodness, that's sexual harrassment!"
that class lasts forever, but mr. jawor is a funny funny guy

hahaha and tara was playing with shaving gel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww thats cuuuute!

i love ddr!

you're gonna have to have another party sometime this summer. so i can come this time. and so we can play ddr :]