1.One of my Mom's friends from China came to visit. Not that exciting i guess, but i thought it was worth mentioning.
2. Kids4Wish fundraising thing in Buena Park Mall.
Now this was fun. I think in the two hours I worked, we got 38 bucks. But hanging out afterwards was awesome. I had a sudden urge to blog, but now after the draft, I feel too tired to type, so here are some pictures. And for the record, the whole posing with the topiaries thing was ALL Rona's idea.

Cool People
Shane and I juss doing our thang. XD
I believe my exact words were, "Hey there, hot stuff"
3. Then mi familia y yo went to go see Don Quixote at Cerritos Performing Arts Center. My parents are way into performing arts stuff. IT WAS REALLY BORING. and it was a MUSICAL. GAHHH. Plus, we saw Don Quixote for Spanish like two weeks ago.
4. And then I went suit shopping. Had to get something nice to wear for the formal performances for band. That clothes is ri-goshdarn-diculously expensive. But I look good, and that's all that matters. heheh.
5. And then when we finally got back home, some of my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents were there, so i guess we had a pre-Thanksgiving party. My 2 year old cousin Joshua told me that he wants to be a "fire engine" when he grows up. So that was fun. Yeah. I'm getting kinda sleepy (and rushed) so let's wrap this up shall we?
Crammed a lot of fun stuff in today.
And I will do a lot of stuff tommorow, too.
But it will all be homework, great.
AlBeRtO tAcOs (11:11:11 PM): 11:11
AlBeRtO tAcOs (11:11:15 PM): make a wish
hmmKIMLYsthinkin (11:12:56 PM): yayyy
hmmKIMLYsthinkin (11:12:58 PM): thankk you
hmmKIMLYsthinkin (11:13:21 PM): GANGSTERRRRR
there, now my day is complete.
and gangster was the perfect word right there, dontcha think?
hahaha kimly would never say gangsterrr(:
wonderful day
i agree, today was marvelous.
ahhh i sprained my ankle after that fun stuff at the mall. its soo SWOLLEN. AHHH!!! hurts like no other. hahahaha
yes. dont i have such great ideas? lol you and that 'girl' make a good couple. HAHHAHA
geez shane. dont you think that it means something when you get hurt everytime you and albert "do your thang" HAHHAHA
Thats wack. I bet that treebuddy of yours is quite disgusted..
haha, i went to Buena Park Mall again today, or actually yesterday (for Black Friday of course), and that "girl/treebuddy", is actually a female reindeer. you can tell from its lack of horns.
what a shocker!!!
and maybe more on Black Friday later. me dead tired. me been awake for almost 50 hours. me go sleep now. bye byee
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