Friday, June 09, 2006

Band Awards Banquet

Just got back from the Oxford Academy Instrumental Music Awards Banquet at Cypress Community Center. It was fun. Burritos. And Mrs. Miner told her corny jokes, which were hilarious as always.

I got two awards:

Other events to note:
  • I was sitting with Joey's family who is also Chinese. And they were talking in Chinese and I guess they thought that we didn't know what they were saying and when they found out, they were pretty embarrased. [The plan was to sit with Mahesh's family, but they were late. Mahesh, you lied on your powerpoint, you are not punctual at all!]

  • Mrs. Miner would a brochure from out table and come back again and take another one saying she lost hers repeatedly until there were no more.
    (Mrs. Miner can be really weird, but she is really nice. I think she changed the voting results to let Mahesh be facilities. And she said she like my tie even though it was crooked because I put it on in the car without a mirror XP)
  • I got the real scoop on what happened on the senior prank from Mr. Stevens, who also came to sit at the same table. So, to put an end to all of the rumors, here it is:
    The seniors put vaseline on some of the windows, stacked the tables by the doors so that no one could get in, took all of the stairs and ramps from the portables, and tried to toilet paper some of the classroom buildings. The seniors got caught by the cops during the senior prank. They all got arrested. They would not have gotten in big trouble, but they got into the gym, which is breaking and entering, which is of course illegal. Here is the good part: As a punishment, tommorow, in Saturday school, Mr. Stevens is making them move that gigantic pile of dirt using little shovels and buckets XD.

    UPDATE: The way that the school stunk makes me think that they made the seniors more manure, not dirt. heh too bad for them

    Anonymous said...

    hey, i earned that damn award lol

    Anonymous said...

    i mean job