Friday, May 26, 2006

2006 Spring Band Concert.
It was great, almost perfect, but I squeaked once, oops.


I know these are really crummy pictures, but the rest are worse and the lighting was pretty bad and everyone has red eyes.

I also have video, but it is too big to host unless I break it up into small sections, but i don't think I really want to do that anyways, because the only people that are really interested in watching it were actually there...


rOnaMaGlian said...

lookin' pretty snazy there albert :]

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Anonymous said...

Of course the lighting was horrible!

Thus, fast lenses are good. =]

Ever tried f/1.8 w/o flash? (Well, I haven't either.)

Oh wait, DoF might be a problem.
